Request Format

Clients may send either a HTTP GET or HTTP POST request to execute a query.

In both cases, the request path will (by default) be /api.

POST application/json

When using POST with the application/json content type, the body of the request may contain the following keys:

Required: The GraphQL query document, as a string.
Optional: A JSON object of variables (as defined and referenced in the query document).
Optional: The name of the specific operation to execute, when the query document defines more than one named operation.

This is the standard and expected request format, and the only one directly supported with the com.walmartlabs.lacinia.pedestal2 namespace.

GET (deprecated)

The GraphQL query document must be provided as query parameter query.

This is only supported with the com.walmartlabs.lacinia.pedestal namespace; GET is not supported out-of-the-box with pedestal2.

POST application/graphql (deprecated)


This format is fully supported, but represents a legacy format used internally at Wal-Mart, prior to the GraphQL community identifying an over-the-wire format. The POST application/json format is preferred.

The body of the request should be the GraphQL query document.

If the query document defines variables, they must be specified as the variables query parameter, as a string-ified JSON object.

This is only supported with the com.walmartlabs.lacinia.pedestal namespace; it is not supported out-of-the-box with pedestal2.